In the end of the 60s and the 70s the art work of Georges Kobylansky presents a lot of colours as well as elements out of nature.
The canvas has been completely filled with acrylic paint with various techniques with the usage of spatula, brush, sponge etc.
In the 80s the art work ob Georges Koylansky is caracteristic of puristic statements.
Strong style, shape and colours are concentrated on the middle of the art work, stressed even more by the white borders of the canvas.
Georges Kobylansky experianced further with various techniques.
Multifacted series have been created such as with China ink for example.
The most expressive art work of this time remains still acrylic paint on canvas.
At the end of the 80s and in the 90s the linear and clean trend of the art work of Georges Kobylansky gets stronger.
Georges Kobylansky is still usind the acrylic paint on canvas, but he started to make use of new dimensions such as art work with 2 meters length.
In the 90s the artist is also using more simple materials.
Georges Kobylansky created various series of graphics using China Ink as well as ink of "Edding" creating the Serie "INK" in different sizes on paper board.
Those art works are impressing by it's simplicity and precision.